About Us

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About Us
Cilacap.info is a website that discusses news (events, latest) and Online Media Company owned by PT. SIBER KREATIF MEDIA. Cilacap.info does not only focus on coverage of Cilacap, but also Barlingmascakeb (Banjarnegara, Purbalingga, Banyumas, Cilacap and Kebumen) according to readers who visit our website.

And over time, we also preach to a number of areas, both Central Java, West Java, East Java. This is because many media with name of city also report on other areas.

Now Cilacap.info is also built with a more modern design, and is commonly called an Ecosystem, which is a subchannel with a subdomain network.

We present Information about Technology, Celebrities, Entertainment, Sport, News and others.

Our Vision and Mission to build this website, especially with name of city of love, that we are proud of our area, namely Cilacap.

With presence of Cilacap.info website which can be accessed using internet. We hope to be able to help provide useful information to wider community, especially residents of Cilacap.

In addition to news, cilacap.info also provides information about tourist destinations, culinary.

In reporting, Cilacap.info puts forward journalistic aspect and is guided by laws in Indonesia.

Cilacap.info is present as an independent Online Media and adoption article from Citizen Journalism that seeks to present news in a neutral manner.

The content in Cilacap.info is created by volunteers, ex journalists and media journalists.

Cilacap.info also opens faucet for journalists who want to contribute sending articles or writings to us. We also provide a Citizen Journalism Column.

We also receive submissions of both activities and events from a community or company and we will publish them on this page and publish them on social media pages.

Editorial Composition of Cilacap.info

Cilacap.info editorial composition

Chief Editor:
Muhammad Hasan Bahtiar

Managing Editor: Imam Hamidi Antassalam

Muhammad Hasan Bahtiar (hasan)
Muhammad Huda (huda)

Muhammad Hasan Bahtiar

Address :

Cihejo RT/RW 01/03 Malabar, Wanareja, Cilacap, Central Java, Indonesia – 53265.

Contact :
Call Center: +62895-6064-02540 (Phone/SMS) – +6285-740-204-564 (Whatsapp)
Email : redaksi[at]cilacap.info

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  4. Terms Of Service
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With contact number and email address above, you can send questions or publish articles, whether press releases related to events or activities, opinions, etc.

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